Friday, November 11, 2011


Hello Friends!

It's November. Can you believe?

I'm starting to get inspired again to post on this little blog and I think it's because the holidays are just around the corner. I love the holidays, in particular picking out gifts. It gets my juices flowin. So I was prepared when one of my friends asked for ideas for her Hubs for his November birthday.

I pulled this one from my own Etsy 'hearts'. I was saving it for a gift for my own Hubs one day but since I love her so much, I decided to share.

(via Nativevermont)
See, you customize this canvas with whatever you want. Places you have been, your dog's name, inside jokes, your anniversary date.... you get the idea. Her list includes '6 Martini's' which is how many drinks he fed her on her 21st birthday.

Hate to toot my own horn here, but since they are moving into a new home soon, the gift really is perfection.

Don't you agree?

Side note: Who are we kidding, I LOVE to toot my horn.

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