Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Little Gem

Looking through some old pictures, I found this little gem today.

A little background, this was literally about 30 seconds after my sister and brother-in-law met for the first time. New Years Eve circa early 2000 something, my sister was back home sans boyfriend and tried to bail out of the festivities. I called her and told her to get up and get ready. I don't mean to make it sound like it was me and not fate that brought them together, but let's be honest....I'm gonna take credit.

Even if an hour later he came running out to our car when we were leaving to go to the next bar and I screamed to my sister who was driving, "Go, Go!!". Let's look over that part because I didn't know she was interested. And I didn't know he was the kind of guy who would 'accidentally' leave his cell phone in the car at the end of the night. But it worked. And I love him.

I guess you could say he really did 'sweep her off her feet'.
hardy har har.

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